The list below was updated on February 1.
Our friends at Solanco Neighborhood Ministries continue to care for people in our community with weekend food supplies (SWEEP) and emergency food bags. Here’s a note from the office:
This month we are running low on the following items, and sure could use your help:
- Hamburger Helper
- Baby Wipes
- Mayonnaise
- Cooking Oil
- Tomato Sauce 15 oz. can
- Beef Stew
- Shampoo
- Dishwashing Liquid
- Diapers (any size except size 1)
- Spaghetti Sauce in cans or plastic
- Corn
- Green Beans
- Canned Salmon
- Canned corn beef
- Tuna Helper
- Spam
Feel free to select specific items if your congregation is more comfortable with that process. Thank you for your generosity at this most difficult time.
Donations can be dropped off at the new location, 14 S. Church St., Quarryville between 9am-4pm, Monday-Thursday or from 9am to 12 noon on Friday. THANK YOU!