Posted by on Mar 22, 2019 in General, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Kudzai Chingwe wades through floodwaters at the Mutambara Mission Center in the Chimanimani District of Eastern Zimbabwe. Photo by the Rev. Juliet Mwarumba.

Pick your disaster, seems like there are plenty to go around. Weather and flooding in the US midwest and south. The aftermath of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique. What do they have in common? UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee On Relief, is responding with support, money, supplies and volunteers. You and I can help. While we may not be trained in disaster response, we can support the work of UMCOR with our financial gifts. For many of us, online donations may be the quickest and most efficient way to give to UMCOR’s work.

To make an online donation, go to and click on the red DONATE button. I suggest you choose from one of three giving options:

  1. U.S. Disaster Response – Funds donated here will go to help victims of disasters here in the U.S.
  2. International Disaster Response – Funds donated here go to help disaster victims overseas, including Mozambique.
  3. Donate – This option allows UMCOR to use your donation as it deems most helpful.

One reminder about donating to UMCOR. 100% of your gift to UMCOR goes to disaster relief. Period. Every penny. UMCOR itself is organized and supported by the United Methodist Church, which pays for operations, infrastructure, employees, and so on. This means your financial donations can go directly to those who need help, and not to pay for someone’s salary.