Humble Beginnings

In 1833, several residents of the village of Fairfield, who had been worshiping at Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, decided to form a “Methodist Society” to bring Christ to their neighbors in Fairfield. At first members met in homes, but soon – mainly through the efforts of Alexander Shank – the first church building was erected in 1835: Fairfield congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


Early in the morning of New Year’s Day 1950, a fire completely destroyed the building and most of its contents. That very day, in the afterglow of the fire, a Building Committee was organized with William Wesley serving as chairman. Through the hard work of many, and generous giving, a new and larger church building was erected. The first worship service was held at Fairfield: Mt. Zion Methodist Church on March 22, 1951 – Good Friday.


Mt. Zion seeks to maintain the traditions that are full of so much history and meaning, while striving to always be relevant today. Some of the traditions that go back to at least the 1900’s are the annual Thanksgiving Church Sunday, and the annual Sunday School Picnic.

We want to be the kind of place where you can find a friend, and where you can get to know Jesus, the best friend anyone could ever have. The heritage of Mt. Zion asks for our service and dedication to keep the light of Christ burning.